Your Source for Understanding Cloud Security Posture Management

Cloud security posture management (CSPM) monitors, identifies, and visualizes cloud misconfiguration vulnerabilities and compliance issues across cloud and hybrid environments. Many solutions also provide continuous, automated security and compliance remediation once risks are uncovered. CSPM targets the primary cause of cloud security risk and maintains proper data privacy and security compliance.

A CSPM provides greater visibility across multiple cloud environments. It enables a broader view of sources of misconfigurations and policy violations as a stand-alone solution. The context-aware nature of CSPM gives IT, SecOps, and DevOps teams the ability to continuously monitor cloud environments in real time. Doing this helps with threat detection and automatic remediation.

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Cloud adoption has created a need for more specific and dynamic cloud security solutions. As organizations engage in multi-cloud, cloud-native environments with the major public cloud service provider...

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Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Configuration Management (aka ConfigMgmt or Configuration as Code) reflect two sides of the software development coin. IaC automates the creation of a software environ...

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Cloud Security Posture Management

What is CSPM in Cloud-Native Security?

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Cloud adoption has created a need for more specific and dynamic cloud security solutions. As organizations engage in multi-cloud, cloud-native environ...

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